Date of Award

Spring 5-2021

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Charles Chamberlain

Second Advisor

Mary Mitchell

Third Advisor

Robert Dupont


The mythology that surrounds the city of New Orleans is expansive. In a city well known for its ghosts and culture, the tourism industry utilizes stories and mythology to entice tourists to visit the city. However, the perpetuation of myths as historical facts or as actual events to an unknowing public can cause more harm than good to the city and the understanding of its past. This essay utilizes interviews with current New Orleans Tour Guides to examines how the tourism industry in New Orleans presents mythology and historical evidence to tourists. This essay examines tours and tourism materials to better understand the industry alongside popular myths perpetuated in both the media and on tours. By utilizing tour guide narratives and their experiences this essay will demonstrate how the perpetuation of mythology in New Orleans has incorrectly informed tourists of the city’s historical background.


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