Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Arts Administration


Arts Administration

Major Professor

James Marchant

Second Advisor

Adam Falik

Third Advisor

Richard Read


This thesis looks at professional ballet companies in the United States, the factors affecting a company’s preeminence or lack thereof, and whether it is possible in current conditions for large professional ballet companies to develop into preeminent ballet companies. What are the relevant factors historically involved in the growth of a professional ballet company into a preeminent ballet company in the United States? Are those factors still applicable or possible to attain for professional ballet companies today? Contributing categories of factors discussed include: budget, name recognition, numbers of productions and individual performances, touring, numbers of dancers, dancer salaries, union memberships, boards of directors, numbers of administrative staff and breakdowns by department, associated schools and theatres, live music partnerships, direct government funding from the National Endowment for the Arts, and revenue streams.


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Available for download on Monday, April 07, 2025
