Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Creative Writing


Fine Arts

Major Professor

M.O. Walsh


This collection pieces together six short stories that vary widely in content but that seek to detail conflicts with similar thematic content. The characters within are presented with moments in time when they must choose between ways of life. Some push back against nature, others society, and others still the ugliest sides of themselves. This collection looks at the worst of its characters as they try to be their best to varying degrees of success. The strange, the magical, and the absurd intermingle with and sometimes incite real crises that everyday people may face. While the collection attempts to portray scenarios that are universal and accessible, it takes additional care to consider the failings of traditional portrayals of masculinity, and the tolls that these portrayals take on young men and those in their lives.


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Available for download on Monday, April 16, 2029

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Fiction Commons
