Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Urban Studies


Planning and Urban Studies

Major Professor

Michelle Thompson

Second Advisor

David Gladstone

Third Advisor

Ryan Seidemann


Access to fresh, healthy, and nutritious food has been a challenge in certain U.S. neighborhoods, worsening the public health crisis of obesity and diet-related diseases that have persisted since the 1970s. Access to fresh, healthy, nutritious food varies across geographical areas, ethnicities, socioeconomic statuses, and races. People have different levels of resources, resulting in varying access to fresh and healthy food. Also, addressing the issue of obesity can be achieved through ensuring that built environments offer convenient access to fresh and healthy food. Most of the research on food access has focused solely on area-based measures using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Still, these approaches do not capture individual preferences, decision-making, or education regarding health. This dissertation used a mixed-method approach, grounded theory, and GIS to explore how the built environment impacts residents' quality of life when looking at food access in two neighborhoods in New Orleans. The researcher then gathered the opinions of neighborhood residents about their food journeys by examining their purchasing choices and perceptions of the most efficient ways to increase access to healthy foods in their neighborhoods. The results of this study revealed that cognitive, environmental, and social factors characterize the individual's pursuit of well-being, and there are similarities in the contrasting environments of food and non-food deserts.


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Available for download on Wednesday, March 21, 2029
