Date of Award

Spring 5-19-2023

Degree Type


Degree Program

Film and Theatre


Film and Theatre

Major Professor

Katie Garagiola

Second Advisor

James Roe

Third Advisor

Kevin McLin


In this reflection paper, I discuss the making of my short film for my thesis after a few years of graduate film school and during the aftermath of a global pandemic. I will discuss my journey with the film My Dinner with Andre (1981) and with philosophy I had during my undergraduate career that shaped the film I ended up making. I will mention how discussions with my producer Dustin Foret also influenced the film I ended up creating. I will reflect upon the preproduction process, production process, and postproduction process in making this film, and how I navigated working with a team of different types of people. The insight I provide in the choices I made in the production process and editing process of the film is included in this reflection as well. Last, I go into my future beyond finishing my MFA in film production here at The University of New Orleans.

Total Run Time

19 minutes and 47 seconds

Film Format


File size (maximum: 3 GB)

291.2 MB
