This collection includes theses and dissertations from the Department of Computer Science at the University of New Orleans from 2002 to the present. Older dissertations and theses and some documents from this time period that have not been digitized can be located through the UNO Library online catalog.
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
COTS GIS Integration and its Soap-Based Web Services, Ying Wu
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
Enhancement of COTS GIS Web Publishing Software, Jin Chen
UbiTour: a 3G/WLAN Architecture to Support E-Tourism, Vivek Chinta
Creating a Portable Wireless Display, Srivatsa Gundala
Data Visualization for the Benchmarking Engine, Sudha Joish
An Automated Data Warehouse, Sudhindra Sharathkumar
VNC Service on Bluetooth Wireless Network, Rui Xia
Adaptive Predictive Handoff Scheme with Channel Borrowing in Cellular Network, Lei Yu
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
A Service Discovery-Enabled LCD Projector Device, Jeevan Kale