Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Advancing Network Security: Attack Response, Anomaly Detection, and Domain-Adaptive Intrusion Detection Systems, Sharmin Aktar
Super Mario Evolution by the Augmentation of Topology, Russell A. Autin
The PAWN System: How Procedurally Adaptive Webbed Narratives Create Stories, Steven T. Bordelon
Deep Learning Approach for Accurate Segmentation of Oil Spills in Marine Systems, Mohamed Elsheref
Choreographing the Rhythms of Observation: Dynamics for Ranged Observer Bipartite-Unipartite SpatioTemporal (ROBUST) Networks, Edward A. Holmberg IV
A Talking Cart, Abdullah BIn Naeem
Comparative Predictive Analysis of Stock Performance in the Tech Sector, Asaad Sendi
Enhancing Password Security and Memorability Using Machine Learning and Linguistic Patterns, Jared Wise
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Faults Segmentation in Levee Systems Using Deep Learning Approaches, Manisha Panta
Dropped Objects Recognition in Offshore Operations Based on Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence, Xiaochuan Yu
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Analyzing the Robustness of Prevalent Social Engineering Defense Mechanisms, Bhupendra Acharya
Network Intrusion Detection Using a Deep Learning Approach, Sharmin Aktar
Levee Seepage Identification from Aerial Images using Machine Learning, Sofiane Benkara
"The Best Defense is a Good Offense:" Teaching Phishing Defense Tactics Through a High Agency Playable Experience, Saroj Duwal
Protein-Protein Interaction Prediction from Language of Biological Coding, Nayan Howladar
Video Games, Grief, and the Character LINK System, Nam Nguyen
Analysis of Forensic Artifacts in Database Memory using Support Vector Machine, Mahfuzul I. Nissan
Ocean Wave Prediction and Characterization for Intelligent Maritime Transportation, Pujan Pokhrel
Parallel Algorithms for Scalable Graph Mining: Applications on Big Data and Machine Learning, Naw Safrin Sattar
ncRNA-protein Interaction Prediction using Language-based Features, Krishna Shah
Digital forensics for Investigating Control-logic Attacks in Industrial Control Systems, Nauman Zubair
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Convolutional Neural Networks for Deflate Data Encoding Classification of High Entropy File Fragments, Nehal Ameen
Sounds of Silence: A Study of Stability and Diversity of Web Audio Fingerprints, Shekhar Chalise
The Kati Module System: Modular Design for Delivering Character Focused Dialogue in Games, Stephen J. Marcel
Machine Learning for Terminal Procedure Chart Change Detection, Anthony M. Marchiafava
Analysis of Residual Neural Networks for Marine Mammal Classification using Multi-channel Spectrograms, Daniel T. Murphy
Machine Learning based Restaurant Sales Forecasting, Austin B. Schmidt
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
PhishPrint: A Novel Framework for Scalable Evaluation of Web Security Crawlers and Mining of Unknown Cloaking Vectors, Bhupendra Acharya
Ship Detection Feature Analysis in Optical Satellite Imagery through Machine Learning Applications, Sylvia Charchut
Accelerating the Information-Theoretic Approach of Community Detection Using Distributed and Hybrid Memory Parallel Schemes, Md Abdul Motaleb Faysal
Analysis of Human Affect and Bug Patterns to Improve Software Quality and Security, Md Rakibul Islam
Classification of Prostate Cancer Patients into Indolent and Aggressive Using Machine Learning, Yashwanth Karthik Kumar Mamidi
Machine Learning Model Selection for Predicting Global Bathymetry, Nicholas P. Moran
Using High-Performance Computing Profilers to Understand the Performance of Graph Algorithms, Costain Nachuma
Flight Data of Airplane for Wind Forecasting, Astha Sharma
Detecting Convergence Zone Paths in Acoustic Model Outputs Using Machine Learning, Michael Sinegar
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
The Effects of Automated Grading on Computer Science Courses at the University of New Orleans, Jerod F A Dunbar
Multi-Agent Narrative Experience Management as Story Graph Pruning, Edward T. Garcia
StackCBpred: A Stacking based Prediction of Protein-Carbohydrate Binding Sites from Sequence, Suraj Gattani
Detection of Sand Boils from Images using Machine Learning Approaches, Aditi S. Kuchi
Effective Statistical Energy Function Based Protein Un/Structure Prediction, Avdesh Mishra
Prediction of Hierarchical Classification of Transposable Elements Using Machine Learning Techniques, Manisha Panta
Scalable Community Detection using Distributed Louvain Algorithm, Naw Safrin Sattar
A Domain Specific Language for Digital Forensics and Incident Response Analysis, Christopher D. Stelly
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Leveraging Relocations in ELF-binaries for Linux Kernel Version Identification, Manish Bhatt
MAnanA: A Generalized Heuristic Scoring Approach for Concept Map Analysis as Applied to Cybersecurity Education, Sharon Elizabeth Blake Gatto
Remote Monitoring of Cherry Wetness Using a Leaf Wetness Sensor and a Wireless Sensor Network, Shyla Clark
Assessing Apache Spark Streaming with Scientific Data, Janak Dahal
Assessment Of Two Pedagogical Tools For Cybersecurity Education, Pranita Deshpande
Semantic-aware Stealthy Control Logic Infection Attack, Sushma kalle
Detecting Rip Currents from Images, Corey C. Maryan
A Jython-based RESTful Web Service API for Python Code Reflection, John A. Nielson
Detecting Metagame Shifts in League of Legends Using Unsupervised Learning, Dustin P. Peabody
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Malware Analysis and Privacy Policy Enforcement Techniques for Android Applications, Aisha Ibrahim Ali-Gombe
Advanced Text Analytics and Machine Learning Approach for Document Classification, Chaitanya Anne
Measuring Presence in a Police Use of Force Simulation, Dharmesh Rajendra Desai
Predicting User Choices in Interactive Narratives using Indexter's Pairwise Event Salience Hypothesis, Rachelyn Farrell
Machine Learning based Protein Sequence to (un)Structure Mapping and Interaction Prediction, Sumaiya Iqbal
Development of Peer Instruction Material for a Cybersecurity Curriculum, William Johnson
Forensic Analysis of G Suite Collaborative Protocols, Shane McCulley
Lightweight Environment for Cyber Security Education, Vivek Oliparambil Shanmughan
Automatic Forensic Analysis of PCCC Network Traffic Log, Saranyan Senthivel
Towards Real-Time Volatile Memory Forensics: Frameworks, Methods, and Analysis, Joseph T. Sylve
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Survey of Autonomic Computing and Experiments on JMX-based Autonomic Features, Adel R. Azzam
Detecting Objective-C Malware through Memory Forensics, Andrew Case
A Machine Learning Approach to Determine Oyster Vessel Behavior, Devin Frey
Practical Application of Fast Disk Analysis for Selective Data Acquisition, sergey gorbov
SPICE: A Software Tool for Studying End-user’s Insecure Cyber Behavior and Personality-traits, Anjila Tamrakar
A study of three paradigms for storing geospatial data: distributed-cloud model, relational database, and indexed flat file, Matthew A. Toups
Spatial Data Mining Analytical Environment for Large Scale Geospatial Data, Zhao Yang
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
API-Based Acquisition of Evidence from Cloud Storage Providers, Andres E. Barreto
Creating Volatility Support for FreeBSD, Elyse Bond
A Balanced Secondary Structure Predictor, Md Nasrul Islam
Three-Dimensional Ideal Gas Reference State based Energy Function, Avdesh Mishra
Extracting Windows event logs using memory forensics, Matthew Veca
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Hydrographic Surface Modeling Through A Raster Based Spline Creation Method, Julie G. Alexander
Feature selection and clustering for malicious and benign software characterization, Dalbir Kaur R. Chhabra
A GIS-Centric Approach for Modeling Vessel Management Behavior System Data to Determine Oyster Vessel Behavior on Public Oyster Grounds in Louisiana, David X. Gallegos
An empirical study of semantic similarity in WordNet and Word2Vec, Abram Handler
Data Visualization to Evaluate and Facilitate Targeted Data Acquisitions in Support of a Real-time Ocean Forecasting System, Edward A. Holmberg IV
Analysis and Detection of Heap-based Malwares Using Introspection in a Virtualized Environment, Salman Javaid
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Automated Timeline Anomaly Detection, Joshua M. Barone
Techniques for the Visualization of Positional Geospatial Uncertainty, Brent A. Barré
Semantic Assistance for Data Utilization and Curation, Brian J. Becker
Oyster Sustainability Modeling as a Public Resource, Nathan A. Cooper
Categorization of Large Corpora of Malicious Software, Deekshit Kura
Semantic Services for Enterprise Data Exchange, James A. Sauvinet
Curated Reasoning by Formal Modeling of Provenance, Kevin B. Shaw
Dynamic User Defined Permissions for Android Devices, Christopher D. Stelly
Analysis of Windows 8 Registry Artifacts, Jeremy M. Stormo
Forensic Analysis of WhatsApp on Android Smartphones, Neha S. Thakur
Reaper – Toward Automating Mobile Cloud Communication, Daniel R. Ward
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Volatile Memory Message Carving: A "per process basis" Approach, Aisha Ibrahim Ali-Gombe
Integrating Oracle PeopleSoft Campus Solution to External Applications, Ishwor Aryal
Application of Web Mashup Technology to Oyster Information Services, Christian Chuindja Ngniah
Software for Estimation of Human Transcriptome Isoform Expression Using RNA-Seq Data, Kristen Johnson
A Software Framework for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Adam Loup
Application of Digital Forensic Science to Electronic Discovery in Civil Litigation, Brian Roux
RNA CoMPASS: RNA Comprehensive Multi-Processor Analysis System for Sequencing, Guorong Xu