This collection is comprised of theses and dissertations completed at the University of New Orleans from 2002 to the present.
Some documents from this time period that have not been digitized as well as older dissertations and theses can be located in the UNO Library online catalog:
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Theses/Dissertations from 2009
New Orleans' Plasterers' Union Local 93: Afro-Creole Identity, Family and Organized Labor, 1898-1954, Darryl Barthe
Risk Assessment and Risk Management of Nano-Material Toxicity, Farah Bigdeli
Interactive Optimization Programs for Initial Propeller Design, Richard Biven
Information Session, Jessica Bizer
Environmental analysis of the habitat (biotic and abiotic factors) associated with Broadleaf Barbara's Buttons (Marshallia trinervia), Jennifer L. Blanchard
A Comprehensive Examination of the Determinants and Consequences of Political Trust among Latinos, Dean E. Bonner
The Rise and Fall of the Louisiana Muskrat, 1890-1960: An Environmental and Social History, Jared Boscareno
Family Album, Mary Elizabeth Bowen
Privacy and Geospatial Technologies, Lynn F. Brien
The Dark End of Day, Whitney Buss
All Along the Pacific, Corina Brittleston Calsing
The Ninth Step, Robert Todd Campbell
Race, Representation, and Recovery: Documenting the 2006 New Orleans Mayoral Elections, Katherine Cecil
Determination of Mueller matrix elements in the presence of imperfections in optical components, Shibalik Chakraborty
Ground Target Tracking with Multi-Lane Constraint, Yangsheng Chen
A Numerical Study of Unsteady Natural Convection in a Rectangular Enclosure -- The Effect of Variable Thermodynamic and Transport Properties, Manohar Chidurala
A New Orleans State of Crime: Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Shifting Homicide Patterns In Post-Hurricane Katrina New Orleans, LA, Lauren Childs
Welcome to America?: The Perceptions of Discrimination Experienced by International Students, Peter L. Cho
After the Snow: The Oakland County Child Murders and the Search for the Killer, Julia Cianci
The Making and Analysis of Covered, Robert Henry Clay
The Role of Practicum and Intern Supervisees in Professional Identity Development, Damion R. Cummins
Preparation, Practices, and Perceptions of Licensed Professional Counselors with Respect to Counseling Children, Karen Daboval
Henry Louis Rey, Spiritualism, and Creoles of Color in Nineteenth-Century New Orleans, Melissa Daggett
The Influence of Individual Factors on Web-based Developmental Education Course Success in a Two-year Technical College, Nabakrishna Das
Monitoring and Inverse Dispersion Modeling to Quantify VOCs from MSW Landfill, Sarit Kumar Das
An Evaluation and Redesign of a Thermal Compression Evaporator, Benjamin Marc Day
Maintaining Physical and Mental Stamina in Creating the Role of Miss Margarida in Miss Margarida's Way, Joyce Deal
Gender at Work: The Role of Habitus and Gender-Performance in Service Industry Occupations, Laura Dean-Shapiro
A "Spanish Element" in the New South: The Hispanic Press and Community in Nineteenth Century New Orleans , Rafael Delgadillo
Taintx: A System for Protecting Sensitive Documents, Patrice Dillon
A Bruised Sky Falling, Holly Dotson
I Am What I Say I Am: Racial and Cultural Identity among Creoles of Color in New Orleans, Nikki Dugar
Lei Feng: China's Evolving Cultural Icon, 1960s to the Present, Clement A. Dugue III
Examination of Faculty Expectations of Technical College Administrators as an Important Factor in High Performing Environments, Phyllis A. Dupuis
The New Orleans Female Orphan Society: Labor, Education, and Americanization, 1817-1833, Mark Duvall
Medieval Feminine Humanism and Geoffrey Chaucer's Presentation of the Anti-Cecilia, Meghan Flewellyn
A Qualitative Study of the Personal Reactions and Experiences of Adolescent Students Who Have Been Retained, Jessica Fournier
Carved, Amberly Fox
Incidentally, Donna Sue Gamble
Nanoscale Thermal Fluctuation Spectroscopy, Patrick Louis Garrity
When Education Ceases to be Public: The Privatization of the New Orleans School System After Hurricane Katrina, Sarah LeBlanc Goff
Lucky Ones, Daniel Goodman
Latino Migrant Labor Strife and Solidarity in Post-Katrina New Orleans, 2005-2007, Leo Braselton Gorman
The influence of conflicting role obligations on nontraditional student baccalaureate degree attainment, Rosaria Guastella
Perceptions and Concerns of Novice Secondary Teachers in Louisiana: The Relationship of Novice Secondary Teacher Stress to Their Perception of Principal Leadership, Victoria Sanderlin Hand
Evaluation of the Genetic Management of the Endangered Mississippi Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis pulla), Jessica Renee Henkel
Deconstructing Elevated Expressways: An Evaluation of the Proposal to Remove the Interstate 10 Claiborne Avenue Expressway in New Orleans, Louisiana, Kim Tucker Henry
A House Divided: The Evolution of the Louisiana Superdome from a Divisive Concept into a Symbol of New Orleans and the Surrounding Areas, Matthew B. Higgins
Armed With A Heart, Willie Charles Horton Jr.
Teachers' Perceptions of the Implementation of Reading First, Raenell Houston
Enhanced Blue Crab Predation on Rangia Clams after Exposure to Hypoxia, Ann C. Howard
Implementation of New Childcare Policies in New Orleans, Mary Katherine Ives
Spirituality as a Validating Factor and Intrinsic Motivator to Persistence: A Study of Nontraditional Female Students in Community/Technical Colleges, Camille Laperouse Jarrell
Selling "Operation Passage to Freedom": Dr. Thomas Dooley and the Religious Overtones of Early American Involvement in Vietnam, David Patrick Johnson
Polarizing Optical Devices Based on Embedded One-Dimensional Subwavelength-Structured Photonic-Crystal Layers, Hazem Khanfar
Fog Cooling, Wet Compression and Droplet Dynamics In Gas Turbine Compressors, Jobaidur Rahman Khan
The Perspectives of First-Year Principals Regarding Their Experiences with Mentors and the Mentoring Process Within the Louisiana Educational Leaders Induction (LELI) Program, Sabrah Helms Kingham
Reliable Multicast in Mobile Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, Lawrence Klos
"Let heaven kiss earth!": The Function of Humanism and Animism in Shakespeare's Richard II and Henry IV, Parts I and II, Kathrin Kottemann
American Anti-Welfare Right-Wing Populism: The Case of Bucktown, Matt S. Landry
Meat Man and Bear Boy Fairy Tales for Today, Eva Langston
An Investigation of the Impact of Student Government Involvement at one Public Historically Black University on the Career Choice of African American Student Participants, Morolake Laosebikan-Buggs
Differences in Offending Patterns between Adolescent Sex Offenders High or Low in Callous and Unemotional Traits, Katie Lawing
Face-Work Within Blogs: The Use and Modification of Real World Rituals Within a Virtual Setting, Matthew LeBlanc
The Confessional, Jennifer Ledet
Application of Machine Learning Techniques for Real-time Classification of Sensor Array Data, Sichu Li
An ontology-based approach to Automatic Generation of GUI for Data Entry, Fangfang Liu
Catholic Student Protest and Campus Change at Loyola University in New Orleans, 1964-1971, Robert Lorenz
Primary Systems and Voter Turnout: Measuring the Institutional Effect of Primary Type on Voter Turnout, Leslie Lott
A Combined Motif Discovery Method, Daming Lu
Discovering New Selves: Service-Learning and the Intellectual Development of College Students, Charlotte J. Maheu
Effects of Air Temperature and Lake Ice on Snowfall on the South Shore of Lake Superior, Angela Pelkie Maki
Levees, Urbanization and Public Perception: Implications for Southeast Louisiana Wetlands, Jacquelyn Marchand
Corporal Punishment And Its Association With Anxiety In Youth, Allison Brown Marks
An Analysis of netCDF-FastBit Integration and Primitive Spatial-Temporal Operations, David Marks
Understanding the Holocaust: Ernest Becker and the "Heroic Nazi", Stephen Martin
Moving Away from Home: A Map of Classroom Burnout, Mary Marwitz
Advanced Techniques for Improving the Efficacy of Digital Forensics Investigations, Lodovico Marziale
Stigma, Surgery and Social Identity: Attitudes towards Cosmetic and Sexual Reassignment Surgeries, Cheryl Mayeux
In the Absence of, Carol McCarthy
Electro-disinfection of Ballast Water, Elizabeth Kathleen McCraven
Cognitive-Affective Processes as a mediator of the Relationship between Responsive Parenting and Preschool Children's externalizing Behavior, Kathleen McGoron
Automation of the Client Side of Web Services Using PHP, Menad Medjkane
Synthesis of Amphibian Alkaloids and Development of Acetaminophen Analogues, Lei Miao
Trinkets Left By Katrina: How Changes to New Orleans' Landscape Have Led to Personal Attachment, Brandie Shauntelle Mitchell
Perceptions of Complexions: Consciousness and Self-Identification Among Dark-Skinned Blacks, Brian Kenneth Morris
Synthesis of Amphibian Alkaloids and Synthesis and Affinity of Novel Cannabinoid Receptor Ligands, April R. Noble
What We Thought We Knew Poems, 2007-2009, Katherine Durham Oldmixon
Fast Algorithm for Modeling of Rain Events in Weather Radar Imagery, Anirudh Paduru
HOPE VI: A Racial Project for a Colorblind Society, Erin Patton
Augustine and Other Stories, Amanda Pederson
Tenure Insecurity and Post-Disaster Housing: Case Studies in New Orleans and Tegucigalpa, Robert Charles Peterson
Study of Magnetization Switching for MRAM Based Memory Technologies, Huy Pham
Troupers: Essays in Three Rings, Jon Pult