This collection is comprised of theses and dissertations completed at the University of New Orleans from 2002 to the present.
Some documents from this time period that have not been digitized as well as older dissertations and theses can be located in the UNO Library online catalog:
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Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Otherness and Assimilation: The Poetry of Double-consciousness in the Works of Charles Simic, Marilyn Chin, and Susan Atefat-Peckham, Katherine Kidder
An Examination: Using Participatory Action Research in a Marginalized Coastal Community at Risk to Natural Hazards, Joselin Simoneaux Landry
44-Across, Joshua Alan Lane
Casa Samba: Twenty-One Years of Amerizilian Identity in New Orleans1, Lauren E. Lastrapes
Businesses as Cultural Icons: Their Application towards Understanding Urban Morphology, Stephanie Lawrence
Essays on Determinants of IPO Liquidity and Price Adjustments to Persistent Information in Option Markets, Yen-Sheng Lee
Evolution of a Smart Girl, Casey Lefante
Claiming Iris, Dawn Lenz
The effects of the invasive exotic Chinese tallow tree (Triadica sebifera) on amphibians and aquatic invertebrates, Norman Leonard
Musicians Who Busk: Identity, Career, and Community in New Orleans Street Performance, Aram Parrish Lief
Effects of interspecific competition, salinity, and hurricanes on the success of an invasive fish, the Rio Grande cichlid (Herichthys cyanoguttatus), O. Thomas Lorenz
Abundance and Distribution of Early Life Stage Blue Crabs (Callinectes sapidus) in Lake Pontchartrain, Lissa Lyncker
Military Base Closure and Community Transformation: The Case of England Air Force Base in Central Louisiana, Phyllis E. Mayo
From Plumpy's to the Grave, Lish McBride
Diabetes Camp, Sarah McKnight
Responses of a Louisiana oligohaline marsh plant community to nutrient loading and disturbance, Danielle Meert
Clustering Via Supervised Support Vector Machines, Sepehr Merat
Crucial Bread, Laura Miller
The Usefulness of Ground Penetrating Radar in locating burials in Charity Hospital Cemetery, New Orleans, Monique Tashell Mitchell
Storm Water Management Using a High Density Rainfall Network Along With Long Term Records, Siamak N. Mokhtarnejad
Digital Receipt System Using Mobile Device Technologies, Doc Lap Nguyen
A Semi-Supervised Information Extraction Framework for Large Redundant Corpora, Eric Normand
Cause Lawyers and Social Movements: Perspectives from Post-Katrina New Orleans, Peter O'Connell
Testing the Waters: The Social Contexts of Homeowner Flood Mitigation, Maggie L. Olivier
Implementation of Secure Key Management Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks, Noor Ottallah
The Projectionist, David Parker Jr.
Counselors' Perceptions of Training, Theoretical Orientation, Cultural and Gender Bias, and Use of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV-Text Revision, Micah Patureau-Hatchett
Shaping an Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance for Post-Katrina New Orleans, Kristen Phillips
Assessment of Ambient Air Particulate Matter in the New Orleans Historic District , Federico Portillo
Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Nanoparticles for Use as Photocatalytic Probes and Radiotracers, Anindya Pradhan
An Investigation of the Relationships Between the Scoring Rubrics Inventory and the Metacognitive Awareness Inventory as Reported by Secondary School Core-Subject Teachers, Paula Marie Pucheu
An Energy-Efficient Medium Access Control Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks "V-MAC" , Mohamad Qayoom
Study of Magnetization Switching in Coupled Magnetic Nanostructured Systems, Cosmin Radu
Abrupt Climate Change and Storm Surge Impacts in Coastal Louisiana in 2050, Jay Ratcliff
College Leadership Programs and Citizenship Development: Preparing Students to be Agents of Social Change, Pamela Vrana Rault
Jack is Dead, Connie Reeder
Salinity Transport in a Finite-Volume Sigma-Layer Three-Dimensional Model, Angel Gabriel Retana
How to Peel a Mango, Trisha Rezende
The Internet Megascope The Web's Effect on Political Knowledge and Electoral Participation in U.S. Presidential Elections, Hannes Ralph Richter
From Onlooker to Interpreter, Jeff Rinehart
Human Health Risk Assessment for Petroleum Refining Industry of the Remaining Air Toxics after MACT I Emissions Reductions, Nadia C. Roa
Water Quality Modeling of Freshwater Diversions in the Pontchartrain Estuary, Rachel Roblin
Reconstructing Textual File Fragments Using Unsupervised Machine Learning Techniques, Brian Roux
Synthesis and Spectroscopic Study of Anticancer agent A-007 Prodrugs and Progress Towards the Synthesis of Tetramic acid Antibiotics, Sarada Sagiraju
School Counselors' Perceptions of Their Academic Preparation in their Roles as Professional School Counselors, Libby Ann Schayot
Maternity Leave Policy in U.S. Police Departments and School Districts: The impact of descriptive and social group representation in a context of gendered institutions, Corina S. Schulze
The Making and Analysis of For Justin, Adam Schwartz
Postures, Natalie Sciortino
Craftwork, Nathalie Shepherd
Factors Predicting Therapeutic Alliance in Antisocial Adolescents, Tiffany P. Simpson
"To Clear a Rock-Bottom, Low-Density Slum": Using Public Housing Means to Meet Urban Renewal Ends in New Orleans, 1954-1959, Stephanie L. Slates
Canaan, Richard Nason Smith
Preferences in Musical Rhythms and Implementation of Analytical Results to Generate Rhythms, Shashidhar Sorakayala
Classifier System Learning of Good Database Schema, Mitsuru Tanaka
Association of Fat Oxidation and Insulin Resistance in Prepubertal Children, Connie VanVrancken Tompkins
Peculiar Eye, Julie Townsend
The Capacity of the Black Protestant Church to Provide Social Ministry in Post-Katrina New Orleans, Marshall Truehill Jr.
Interaction Effects in Nickel Nanowires Arrays, Ovidiu Cezar Trusca
Fan with Guitar, Jeremy Tuman
Family Ownership and its impact on diversified Indian Business Group Ownership, Vijay Kumar Vishwakarma
Securely Consume Web Services Using PHP, Sonny Tran-Hai Vo
Sticking It to the Man by Standing by Your Man: Social Support as an Act of Resistance , Andrew Middleton Wallace
Understanding the Integrative Role of an Academic Library for Undergraduate Student Workers, Charles W. Weston
Cooperative Jamming in Wireless Networks - Turning Attacks into Privacy Protection, Jingqi Wu
Opposing Viewpoints for Addressing Public Housing in Post-Katrina New Orleans, Harry Richard Yelton III
Nonaqueous Synthesis of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles and Their Surface Coating, Ming Zhang
Protecting 802.11-Based Wireless Networks From SCTS and JACK Attacks, Zhiguo Zhang
Simulation of Combustion and Thermal-flow Inside a Pyroscrubber, Lei Zhao
Robust and Efficient Algorithms for Protein 3-D Structure Alignment and Genome Sequence Comparison, Zhiyu Zhao
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
The Impact of Louisiana INTECH Professional Development on Elementary School Leaders' Perceptions of Change and Student Achievement, Sheryl Abshire
Indexing and Searching Document Collections using Lucene, Sridevi Addagada
Visual Perception in Traumatic Brain Injury: Effects of Severity and Effort, Luis Aguerrevere
Risk, Resilience, and Success in College for Students with Vision Disabilities, Rose Angelocci
Sandra Day O'Connor: Moderate or Something More?, Patricia Arceneaux
Between Two Giant Sounds: Jamaican Politics, Nationalism, and Musical Culture in Transition, 1974-1984, Caree Banton
Regulation of Volume by Spermatozoa and Its Significance for Conservation Biology, Jennifer Barfield
The Tigers and the Army: The LSU School of Medicine During World War II, Victoria Barreto
U.S.-Austrian Relations in the Pre-Anschluss Period: FDR'S Unwillingness for War, John S. Berteau
Nano-filled Epoxy: Mechanical and Fire Behavior and Modeling of Nanocomposite Columns Under Fire, Stefano Bietto
Climate Change and the Great Plague Pandemics of History: Causal Link between Global Climate Fluctuations and Yersinia Pestis Contagion?, Richard Christian Bilich
Essays on the Impact of Antitrust Regulation on Corporate Mergers and Divestitures, Adel Bino
Applying Logic Modeling to the Higher Education Accreditation Process, Kenneth Frank Bolden
The Mississippi River Delta Basin and Why We are Failing to Save its Wetlands, Lon Boudreaux Jr.
Toward the Synthesis of CAY-1, an Antifungal Steroidal Saponin, Katharine Bowdy
Preserving the Past for the Present: Courthouse Preservation and Community Values in Thomas County, Georgia, Lori Boyer
Fulfilling the Drive: Dutch Morial and the 1982 New Orleans Mayoral Election, Daniel Braud
Geomorphic History of the Atchafalaya Backwater Area: Upper Deltaic Plain Development, Louis D. Britsch
Planning For Chaos: Cluster Strategies Of Economic Development, Lisa Brosnan
The Social Construction of Loss and Grief: Experiences of Coastal Louisiana Residents, Nicole Buras
Implementing Peer Coaching in a State Funded Pre-Kindergarten Program: An Autoethnography, Darilyn Mercadel Butler
Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Novel GBR 12909 Tropane and Azetidine Hybrid Analogues, Shaine A. Cararas
Exploring the Assessment Aspect of Differentiated Instruction: College EFL Learners' Perspectives on Tiered Performance Tasks, Yeh-uh Hsueh Chen
Scenic Design for an Original Script: Dinner With The Louminauts, Jessica Diane Cook