This collection is comprised of theses and dissertations completed at the University of New Orleans from 2002 to the present.
Some documents from this time period that have not been digitized as well as older dissertations and theses can be located in the UNO Library online catalog:
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Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Trellis Coded Modulation Schemes Using A New Expanded 16-Dimensional Constant Envelope Quadrature-Quadrature Phase Shift Keying Constellation, Milton I. Quinteros
Effects of a putative Reb1 protein binding site on IME4 sense and antisense transcription and sporulation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Milele Ramsay
Malware Recognition by Properties of Executables, Cory Redfern
Vegetative Response to Hurricane Sedimentation, Jennifer Carter Roberts
Framework and Evolution of a Transgressed Delta Lobe: The St. Bernard Shoals, Gulf of Mexico, Bryan E. Rogers
Toward Visualizing Potential Policy Conflicts in eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML), William Domingo Rosa
Measuring Accessibility and Explaining Trends in Commute Mode Choice in Washington, D.C. from 1970 - 2000, Jonathan Ryder
Exploring Bilingual Arab-American Students' Performance in Solving Mathematics Word Problems in Arabic and English, Samar El-Rifai Sarmini
A Model for Regional Technology-Based Economic Development, Robert Savoie
Design and Synthesis of CB1 Receptor Ligands and Synthesis of Amphibian Alkaloids, Hong Shu
Comparative Analysis of Marine Structural End Connections, Bret Silewicz
Why Do They Talk That Way?: Teachers' Perceptions of the Language Young Students Bring into the Classroom, Julie Smith-Price
Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Dumper Dew Pegmatite, Oxford County, Maine, Jonathan Kyle South
Variations on a Theme: Forty years of music, memories, and mistakes, Christopher John Stephens
"An Ardent Military Spirit": William C. C. Claiborne and the Creation of the Orleans Territorial Militia, 1803-1805, Joseph F. Stolz III
Enhancement of the Properties of Polymer by using Carbon Nanotubes, Wai-Yin Tam
The Relationship between Supervisors' Power Bases and Supervisory Styles, Hideyuki Tanaka
A Hybrid Method for Predicting Lift and Drag of Semi-planing/Semi-displacement Hull Forms, Brandon Taravella
Experimental Design, Data Analysis, and Modeling for Characterizing the Three-Dimensional Acoustic Field of a Seismic Airgun Array, Arslan Tashmukhambetov
Nonattribution Properties of JPEG Quantization Tables, Arslan Tashmukhambetov
Experiences of Black Women who Persist to Graduation at Predominantly White Schools of Nursing, Francine Simms Thomas
Classification of Carpiodes Using Fourier Descriptors: A Content Based Image Retrieval Approach, Patrick Trahan
Dreams of the Road, Roy Keith Trawick
Verses from Jordan A Play About Chasing, Bradley Troll
An Honest Title to American Territory: John Romeyn Brodhead and the Resurrection of Dutch Colonial Past in the 19th Century, Janice Van Patten
Multitemporal Imagery Based Analysis of Urban Land in St. Tammany Parish in Conjunction with Socioeconomic Data, Jeffrey Joseph Varisco
A Comparison Of Installation Methods And Maintenance Practices Of Protected Side Armoring, April J. Villa
Behind the Fan: Conservative Activists in the New Orleans Christian Woman's Exchange, 1881-1891, Gabrielle Walker
An Efficient Platform for Large-Scale MapReduce Processing, Liqiang Wang
Negotiating Heritage: Heritage Organizations amongst the Isleños of St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana and the Use of Heritage Identity to Overcome the Isleño/Tornero Distinction , Jonathan Joseph West
Melting Dreams, William Scott Whited
Agueproof, Laurie Williams
A Multidisciplinary Approach for Determining the Extents of the Beds of Complex Natural Lakes in Louisiana, Frank Levins Willis
Beyond the Ancestral Skillet: Four Louisiana Women and Their Cookbooks, 1930-1970, Rachael Wolfe
Investigating Teachers' Perspectives on the Impact of the Lesson Study Process on Their Mathematical Content Knowledge, Pedagogical Knowledge, and the Potential for Student Achievement, Thomas David Wright Jr.
Chaos To Clarity: The Technique Used In Performing The Role of George In Whitney Buss' The Dark End of Day, James Yeargain
Efficiency of Internal Capital Allocation and the Success of Acquisitions, Meng Ye
On Corporate Hedging and Firm Focus and on Bank Board Structure, Bei Zeng
Distributed Support Vector Machine With Graphics Processing Units, Hang Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Comparative Hydrodynamic Testing of Small Scale Models, Jared Acosta
B-Spline Boundary Element Method for Ships, Aditya Mohan Aggarwal
Computational Intelligence and Complexity Measures for Chaotic Information Processing, Davoud Arasteh
Distributed Support Vector Machine Learning, Kenneth C. Armond Jr.
Irma, Karen Atherton
Leyla and Mejnun for String Quartet, Roula Baaklini
Invitation of Echoes: Part One, William Bain
Ghost Dance in 31 Movements, Anny Ballardini
Bumbling Biddies and Drunken Pats: Anti-Irish Humor in Antebellum New Orleans, Ashley Barckett
The Impact of Hurricane Katrina on Public School Counselors and their Delivery of Responsive Services, Charles Arlene Collins "Sundy" Barjon
A Revolutionary Perspective on Social Movements: Fundamentalism in the Islamic World, D. Dustin Berna
An Optimal Interset Rest Period For Strength Recovery During A Common Isokinetic Test, Ivan Blazquez
Twenty-Four-Hour Woman, Mawiyah Bomani
Post-translational Regulation of Plant Fatty Acid Desaturases as Expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Linda Bourassa
Development of the Distributed Points Method with Application to Cavitating Flow, David M. Bourg
Relationship between Land Use and Surface Water Quality in a Rapidly Developing Watershed in Southeast Louisiana, Andrea Bourgeois-Calvin
The Toaster That Toasted The Golden Toast, Danny Bourque
Development of a Borehole Log Signature for Oceanic Anoxic Events and Its Application to the Gulf of Mexico, Asani Brewton
The Alluring and Manipulative "Spider Women" of the Silver Screen: Femmes Fatales of the Hard-Boiled Fiction, Classic Noir and Contemporary Noir Periods, Gretchen Brinker
The Sanctity, Jason D. Buch
Rencontres Nocturnes For Trio, Mary Jane Schiro Butera
Draumkvedet and the Medieval English Dream Vision: A Study of Genre, Christian Carlsen
Application of the Method of Least Squares to a Solution of the Matched Field Localization Problem with a Single Hydrophone, Sean R. Chapin
Handmaid, Jennifer Chase
Glucose and Glucosamine Derivatives as Novel Low Molecular Weight Gelators, Sherwin Cheuk
Quality in Education: Perspectives Regarding Baldrige-based Practices and Instructional Leadership in Middle Schools, Felicia Maria Vaughn Coleman
Knuckle Sandwich & Other Stories, Sean Conway
Symphony for Chamber Orchestra, James T. E. Cook
Critical Events, Commitment, and the Probability of Civil War, Ursula E. Daxecker
Synthesis of Well-Defined N-Heterocyclic Carbene (NHC) Complexes of Late Transition Metals, Pierre De Fremont
Commonality of Liquidity around the World: Evaluation of Possible Reasons, Mehmet F. Dicle
Two Songs from "War is Kind" for Mezzo-Soprano and Orchestra, Kara Drane
The Boxer's Sister, Sandra Sharp Dummit
Response of barrier island fish assemblages to impacts from multiple hurricanes: assessing resilience of Chandeleur Island fish assemblages to hurricanes Ivan (2004) and Katrina (2005), Mark Chad Ellinwood
Of Storm and Scythe, Gina Ferrara
Spatiotemporal Indexing With the M-Tree, John Finigan
Light Suite, Jessica Fiorini
Holy Wars, Robert Florence
Preparation, Characterization, And Application of Liposomes in the Study of Lipid Oxidation Targeting Hydroxyl Radicals, Chanel Fortier
A Holistic Assessment of the Perceived Supportive Care Needs of Cancer Patients during Treatment, Robert B. Gardner
Bradford and Winthrop: Different Approaches to Colonial New England, Jeremy George
Lived In, Laura Gipson
Beyond Katrina, Designing A Unique Charter School In New Orleans: Community, Pedagogy, Governance, Finance, and Bureaucracy, Patricia Glaser
Late Neogene Uplift of the Fairweather Ground on the Basis of Bathymetric and Seismic Data from the Gulf of Alaska, Peter David Guarisco IV
Facing the Storm: An Oral History of Elderly Survivors of Katrina, Eileen Guillory
Communicating Emotion Through Images and Music in Narrative Film, Peter Edward Hagan
Wholly Innocent, James Wesley Harris
Doorways to Development: Foreign Direct Investment Policies in Developing Countries, Michael Hess
The Use, Beliefs, Perceived Barriers, and Methods of Delivery of Play Therapy by Elementary School Counselors, Christine Holbrook Ebrahim
The Impact of Growth Management Policies on Urban Form: Evidence from U.S. Metropolitan Areas with Growth Management Policies, Muhammed Islam
Emerald City, Barbara Johnson
Evolution: The Progress of a Painter, Rachel Jones
Light: Journey of a Lifetime, Kiren G. Kaimal
Essays in Corporate Governance: Issues and Evidence from Equity Carve-Outs, Andrew Mulindwa Kayanga
Experiencing Higher Education in Louisiana through a Native American Lens, Linda Kelly
The Solipsism of Daily Experience and the Unequal Body: The Social Construction of Ableness, Richard Kessinger III
Multiple Solutions on a Ball for a Generalized Lane Emden Equation, Abeer Khanfar