This collection is comprised of theses and dissertations completed at the University of New Orleans from 2002 to the present.
Some documents from this time period that have not been digitized as well as older dissertations and theses can be located in the UNO Library online catalog:
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Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Memento Mori and Other Stories, Abigail Arnold
Size-dependent patterns of reproductive investment in the North American invasive plant species Triadica sebifera (L.) Small (Euphorbiaceae), Courtney H. Babin
Open Doors, Meagan R. Baccinelli
Perceptive Power: Shelley, The Cenci, and the Question of Reality, Adele Baugues
Beginner's Mind, Martin L. Benson
The New Orleans Fight Against Gun Violence, Taylor E. Berry
Underwater Acoustic Signal Analysis Toolkit, Kirk Bienvenu Jr
Always the Icarus, Breanna L. Bietz
Manipulated Museum History and Silenced Memories of Aggression: Historical Revisionism and Japanese Government Censorship of Peace Museums, Benjamin P. Birdwhistell
In an Unending Desert of Cement and Skyscrapers: Lydia Cabrera, Revolutionary Cuba and Transnational Exile, 1960-1962, Jessica M. Bordelon
Fabrication and Characterization of Intricate Nanostructures, Treva T. Brown
Got Your Tongue, Joseph Buckley
Still Figuring This Out: a symphony for orchestra, LaTasha Bundy
Dwight D. Eisenhower and the Politics of Anti-Communism at Columbia University: Anti-Intellectualism and the Cold War during the General's Columbia Presidency, Dylan S. Cannatella
Can't Blame a Girl for Trying, Emily Capdeville
Flapperism: A National Phenomenon Comes to New Orleans, Tracy Carrero
Tidal Creek Equilibrium: Barataria Bay, Bryan Carter
Following the Spirit of the Law: Col. Eberhard P. Deutsch and the Legal Division of United States Forces Austria, 1945-1946, Peter J. Casey
Into the Green, Mary M. Casteel
Conflict, constraint, and the evolution of the multivariate performance phenotype, Ann M. Cespedes PhD
Investigation of 2195 and 2219 Post Weld Heat Treatments for Additive Friction Stir Lap Welds, Matthew Champagne
Negative Regulation of Haa1 by Casein Kinase I protein Hrr25 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Morgan Collins
Angel, Cole Connelly
Nonproliferation Regime Compliance: Prediction and Measure Using UNSCR 1540, Sean F. Conroy
Perspective, Karie D. Cooper
From Beyond, Dana A. DeNoux
Measuring Presence in a Police Use of Force Simulation, Dharmesh Rajendra Desai
The Relationship Between Administrator Leadership Style and Job Experience of School Counselors, Lacey Ducote
CODOFIL'S Ally: Local French Teachers in Louisiana, Natalie Ducote
An Experimental Study in the Hydroelastic Response of an Aluminum Wedge in Drop Tests, Jonathan R. Eastridge
Mechanisms of Invasion and Competition in Anolis sagrei and Anolis carolinensis lizards in southeastern Louisiana, Jessica R. Edwards
Ferroelectric-Semiconductor Systems for New Generation of Solar Cells, Rahmatollah Eskandari
Predicting User Choices in Interactive Narratives using Indexter's Pairwise Event Salience Hypothesis, Rachelyn Farrell
A Case Study of a Six-Time Convicted Serial Rapist: The Search for Explanation, Ricardo E. Fernandez
The Horse's Ass: A Survey of Comediology, William M. Fisk
Evidence of fault movement during the Holocene in Southern Louisiana: integrating 3-D seismic data with shallow high resolution seismic data, Joseph P. Frank
Women in Nontraditional Occupations: a mixed methods qualitative case study on women in the U.S. concrete-construction industry, Sefla Fuhrman
Found Missing: Fugitive Slaves, Jailer ads, and Surveillance in Antebellum New Orleans, Tara L. Garbutt
On The Ramberg-Osgood Stress-Strain Model And Large Deformations of Cantilever Beams, Ronald J. Giardina Jr
Teaching Organizational Leaders: Application of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to Hiring Practices and Harassment Prevention in New Orleans, Angela Glaviano
Determination of Single Pole Breaker Reclose Time and System Performance Using Real Time Simulation, Venkata Sridivya Godavarthi
Creative Nonfiction Thesis -"Becoming Normal", Kaitlin T. Goetchius
The 773rd Tank Destroyer Battalion at the Falaise Pocket, 1944: The Application of Tank Destroyer Doctrine in the Field, Logan M. Gross
Chaos Management, Terrance Gutberlet
Play Dead, Ann Hackett
People Like Ourselves, Harper D. Hair
Night Launch, Cavan Hallman
Schedule and Cost Performance Analysis and Prediction in Louisiana DOTD, Mahmoud Hamide
Ripple, Tyler P. Haney
Hostages, Dane T. Hansen
Decoding NOPD's Thin Blue Line, Thomas Harrington
Examining the Lived Experiences of Undergraduate Transgender Students at Four Year Institutions in the South, Christy E. Heaton
Wing shape variation in the mimetic butterfly Papilio dardanus (Papilionidae) and its unpalatable nymphalid models, Miles Hegedus
Examining the Impact of Sexual Orientation on the Career Development of LGBQ+ Students, Michael D. Hoffshire
Mom's Photoshoot, Eric G. Hollerbach
Cavalcade of the Uninspired: One Woman’s Adventures in the Strange World of (Mostly Online) Post-Divorce Dating, Michelle Holt
Sea Stories, Robyn Hoskins
The Process That Eats Itself, Brent Houzenga
Design, Synthesis and Glioblastoma Activity of 1,3-Diazinane Based Aryl Amides and Benzo Fused Heterocycles, Rebecca Hron
There Will Be Time, Sherng-Lee Huang
Machine Learning based Protein Sequence to (un)Structure Mapping and Interaction Prediction, Sumaiya Iqbal
A River Separates Them, A Culture Connects Them: The Mohawk Hunters of Algiers and the Mardi Gras Indian Tradition in New Orleans, Monisha S. Jackson
Particulate Matter and Carbon Monoxide Emission Factors from Incense Burning, Abhinay Jilla Mr.
Development of Peer Instruction Material for a Cybersecurity Curriculum, William Johnson
The Light Bearer: Stories, James A. Jordan
The Political Determinants of Refugee Status Recognition, Elizabeth Monika Juhasz
One-way Coupled Hydroelastic Analysis of Aluminum Wedge Under Slamming, Mallikarjun Kalluru
Separation of Vocal and Non-Vocal Components from Audio Clip Using Correlated Repeated Mask (CRM), Mohan Kumar Kanuri
Possible breakdown of dopamine receptor synergism in a mouse model of Huntington's Disease, Samantha F. Kennedy
Study of Static and Dynamic Properties of Magnetic Nanostructures, Shankar Khanal
Fabric of Thought and Other Poems, Andrew P. Kindiger
Lost, Nathaniel Kostar
Characterization of genes involved in phycobiliprotein biosynthesis in Fremyella diplosiphon and Thermosynechococcus elongatus, Christina M. Kronfel
An Application of M-matrices to Preserve Bounded Positive Solutions to the Evolution Equations of Biofilm Models, Richard S. Landry Jr.
'In This Dark Hour': Stefan Zweig and Historical Displacement in Brazil, 1941-1942, Edward Lawrence
Boiltown, Eric Layer
Automated Species Classification Methods for Passive Acoustic Monitoring of Beaked Whales, John LeBien
Meno and Euphrates Elementary: Episodes 1 & 2, Thad F. Lee
MOTIVE through Automotive Compassionately Criticizing the Desires of Car Culture, Erika R. Lehrmann
Financial Crises and Investment Behavior: The Impact of Institutional Investors, Kathleen Lindsay
Studies directed Towards the Iridium Catalyzed Synthesis of New Carbon-Nitrogen Bonds., Maria Lindsay
Neurocorrelates of the Mirror Neuron System in Children with Chromosome 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome, Ade Marais
Twenty-two miniatures of the Tarot : a cycle for chamber ensemble, Pierre Emmanuel Mariaca
Fortune as a Hunter: Elements of Masculinity in The Monk's Tale, Jillian K. Marinovic
The Montagnards, Jarred J. Marlatt
Analysis of Variable Insensitive Friction Stir Welding Parameters, Robert L. Marrero Jr
Playing His Own Game: Ernest 'Dutch' Morial's 1977 Mayoral Campaign for Citizen Participation in New Orleans, Eric Marshall
Charismatic Leadership Perceptions from K-12 Administrators: Phenomena of Follower and Leader Interdependency, Lucinda G. Martinez
An Actor's Method to Building the Character of Mother Superior in AGNES OF GOD, Venita J. Matthews
Around She Goes, Kailyn McCord
Forensic Analysis of G Suite Collaborative Protocols, Shane McCulley
Whatever It Is We're Competing For, Ferris W. McDaniel
Sense and Sensibility: A Sermon on Living the Examined Life, Sarah J. Mejias
Parameter Estimation Technique for Models in PSS/E using Real-Time Data and Automation, Malavika Vasudevan Menon
Seismic Facies Classification of an Intraslope Minibasin in The Keathley Canyon, Northern Gulf of Mexico, Lamine Meroudj
The Art of Discord: Organization and Planning Among Internet Trolls, Paige Miller
"Because Colored Means Negro" The Houma Nation and its Fight for Indigenous Identity within a South Louisiana Public School System, 1916-1963, Racheal D. Minchew