Content Posted in 2025
3:55 A.M., Leon Gisclair
Advancing Network Security: Attack Response, Anomaly Detection, and Domain-Adaptive Intrusion Detection Systems, Sharmin Aktar
Advancing Sustainability in Transportation Systems: A Bibliometric Analysis and Development of a Prioritization Index, Anupa Silwal
An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis study: The Children of Black Southern Protestant Theological Leaders, and mental health implications, Kimberly Frantae Paige
A Talking Cart, Abdullah BIn Naeem
Belowground Responses of Avicennia germinans to Mild Freeze Events: Implications for Blue Carbon Storage and Restored Wetlands, Agathe Desthomas
Building Energy Management: A Data-Driven Approach Using Clustering and Load Forecasting, Aviral Kandel
Climate Change , House Prices and Inequality in the United States, Zeynullah Gider
Deep Learning Approach for Accurate Segmentation of Oil Spills in Marine Systems, Mohamed Elsheref
Effects of Early-Life Acetaminophen and Interleukin-1B Exposures on Anxiety, Motor, and Play Behaviors in Long-Evans Rats, Anna G. Warner
Enhancing Password Security and Memorability Using Machine Learning and Linguistic Patterns, Jared Wise
Examining the Impact of Eds and Meds Anchor Institutions on Local Communities: A Mixed Methods Case Study on University Medical Center New Orleans, Samuel P. Firmin
Financial Risk in a Changing Climate, Mashuk S. Rahman
Fragments of Fire: Essays on Womanhood, Family, and Environment, Valerie Rose Palacios
Genetic aspects of resilience in the foundational seagrass Halodule wrightii: the role of genetic variation and gene expression in maintaining primary production, Anastasia M. Konefal
Implementation of Non-linear Filtering Techniques for Object Tracking, Shaswat Koirala
Investigation of an Energy-Saving Strategy in a Rotating Paper Dryer Through Fundamental Research of Multiphase Flow Behavior, Alif Muhammad Shafiyee
Masters of the Marsh: An Introduction to the Ethnography of the Isleños of Lower St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana, with an Annotated Bibliography, Joseph Valsin Guillotte III
Mission Possible: Motivating Students Toward High School Completion, Terri Howard
Modified Anti-Inflammatory Drugs with Glioblastoma Cell Line Cytotoxicity, Annamarie Macaluso
Oil Price Volatility vs. Sustainable Investment: Impact on Global Dividends, Abeer AlQayidi
SufficEmi or Life Noncyclic, LUCA VAN DER HEIDE
Survival of the Smartest? The Evolutionary Ecology of Cognition in Anolis Lizards, Mahaut V. Sorlin
The Search for Unmarked Cemeteries: Case Studies in St. James and St. John the Baptist Parish, Louisiana, Emily S. Gallo
Transmission Main Construction Management - An Assessment of Project Tracking During Transition to a Cloud Based System, Martin C. Munger